Products and Services

Real Estate Trust

Real Estate Trust

The objective of the Real Estate Trust is the administration of resources and assets related to a real estate project, or the administration of the resources associated with the development and execution of said project.

There are different types of commonly known real estate trusts, that can be classified as follows:

Pre-sale real estate trust.

Its purpose is to entrust the fiduciary company with the administration and collection of the money collected from the promotion of the real estate project, delivered by those interested in the project, while the necessary conditions to be allocated to the development of the project are met.

Treasury Real Estate Trust.

Its purpose is to entrust to the fiduciary company with the investment and administration of the monetary resources destined for the execution of the real estate project, as established in the respective trust contract.

Real Estate Administration and payments Trust.

By entering into a he fiduciary contract, an autonomous patrimony is constituted, into which the property from the real estate project to be developed is incorporated, in order for the trust company to make the payments associated with its development in accordance with the instructions indicated in the trust instrument, and transfer the finished units to the rightful beneficiaries as per the relevant contract.